Don’t Mess with Texas

by | Jul 2, 2018 | Outdoors

This weekend a bunch a bunch of friends and I headed up to the Canyon Lake area and floated the Guadalupe. We had a lot of fun and got to enjoy a nice hot day. The river was pretty crowded, as you’d expect on a Saturday afternoon in late June, but it wasn’t unbearable. There were a couple of things that crossed my mind though, while we enjoyed the water and weather.

We picked up a lot of cans and plastic bottles floating through the water, trapped up against rocks, or in the weeds that didn’t belong to us. It was honestly pretty disappointing. We were glad to do the right thing and pick up the litter but give me a break.

A lot of folks enjoy floating and consider it one of the best summertime activities in the state, but don’t seem to have the decency to take care of their trash. It’s simple really. If you’re going to use the rivers, respect the rivers. That sort of carelessness is exactly why the Comal has to put can-ban restrictions in place (see below).

Getting to float and enjoy the river is not a right, it’s a privilege that can be taken away or severely limited if you’re too lazy or careless to take care of the small task of securing your trash. If you float by some trash, hop out of your tube and pick it up. If you see people not taking care of their trash, call them out. No one likes to be embarrassed in front of their friends. Don’t be lazy. Don’t take the rivers for granted. Do the right thing and put your trash away. Oh and…

Don’t mess with Texas.

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