It’s that special time of year again! On August 15 hunting and fishing licenses became available for purchase for the 2021-2022 seasons. With dove season only a couple of weeks away, it’s the perfect time to get your new license. The great thing about doing it these days is the fact that you can skip the lines and purchase online.
Skip the Line
The online purchase process is fairly simple, which is impressive consider that Texas Parks & Wildlife is a government entity. In order to get started with an online purchase, you need to know one of the following, in addition to your last name and DOB –
- DL Number
- TPW Customer Number
- Passport Number
Once you provide the required info and validate your account, the online system will recommend products for you based on the prior year’s license purchase. A few quick steps, some payment info, and then you’re good to go. Shipping takes 7-10 business days so, if you order this week, you should have your new license in hand by opening day of dove season.
Our Recommendation – Duck Stamp
When you purchase your new license, we recommend purchasing a federal duck stamp as well. Maybe you’re like me and you’ve never duck hunted. That’s fine. But if you’re buying a license, you probably care about the outdoors and there are few better ways to support conservation than purchasing a duck stamp.
98% of the purchase price goes directly to help acquire and protect wetland habitat and purchase conservation easements for the National Wildlife Refuge System.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

In addition to serving as a license to hunt waterfowl, the duck stamp is a collectors item. It also serves as a free pass into any national wildlife refuge that charges an entry fee.
Like I said, I’ve never duck hunted. But I came to understand the value and necessity of this stamp for wildlife conservation about a decade ago and I’ve been purchasing one every year since. I encourage you all to do the same.