It seems like everyone’s got a college degree these days.

That doesn’t make them any less difficult to get. Years of studying, paying for school, and balancing life with classes, jobs, internships, projects, and other obstacles can make it a tough task. Add in the fact that we send kids off to school at 18, when they probably have no idea what they want to do or what kind of financial burden they’re taking on, and it can be a real beast. 

Earning a college degree is all about sticking with it and grinding. That’s why my best friend earning his degree over the weekend is such a big deal. We started as freshmen in ’09, so it’s been a hell of a road.

It would have been easy to call it quits at the first hiccup. 

It would have been easy to say, “screw it, I’m headed to the oil patch”. 

It would have been easy to stop taking classes and pick up extra shifts at the bar to make some more dough and lower debt. 

It would have been easy to give up.

But after however many years, transfer credits, and boring required classes he made it to the finish line and got to walk the stage at Texas State University.

My wife, brother, parents, grandparents, myself, and everyone else who’s gotten to know you on this journey is proud of you for sticking with it and earning your degree. Your determination to finish, when it would have been easy to give up, is impressive and we couldn’t be happier for you. 

Congratulations on a major milestone and keep pushing ahead. 

Now go get a job. 

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