COVID-19 has been tough on all of us. If you are anything like me these extended lockups have taken a toll on your sanity and peace of mind. I have found it more important than ever to get out and do some fishing when I can scrounge up a little free time. In the spirit of helping everyone find a little peace in life, here are a few easy steps to help you be successful in any urban fishing environment.
Finding a Spot
- E-Scouting: This is a term I hear used most when it comes to public land hunters and flats fishermen, but it can be a fantastic tool when it comes to urban fishing as well. When you are looking for fishing opportunities, get on google earth and start in close proximity to your common stomping ground. In the “standard map” configuration you will be shown blue lines that mark water sources. Note the locations of a few water sources and switch the map view back over to “Satellite”. Presto! Instant spot locator!
- When picking a spot to fish, there are a few things you should look for right off the bat. First and foremost is ACCESS! While there is plenty of water around most urban environments, the access can be considerably more difficult to find. Pay attention to “No Trespassing” signs and follow the local regulations for the areas you are looking to fish.
- The next thing is a little more straight forward. Think about the basics… simply put, what do the fish like? The main things I look for while E-scouting (other than access) are Depth, Water Flow and Structure! If you can find a location with a combination of these three traits you are almost guaranteed to find fish in any body of water.
- When it comes to Urban fishing, your goal is to find fish and scratch that ever-pervading itch. While we all enjoy chasing and catching the largest fish we can, please make sure you don’t spoil it for the rest of us by trespassing or breaking local laws. There are thousands of places to fish across the great state of Texas that do not require trespassing on private land. I strongly recommend calling your local Parks and wildlife office if you have any questions or concerns about a possible fishing location.
Mapping Guide
The Following is a step by step breakdown of a recent Urban fishing excursion here in San Antonio Texas.
First we find a location via google earth we think will hold fishable water (even in our current drought).

Then we scout the area for access points and points of interest for fishing.

Once we arrive, check signs and access for legality.