Memories are a funny thing. Some of them feel so close and so far at the same time that it’s hard to tell the old from the new. This is where I’m at after spending Saturday with most of my baseball team from senior year of high school.

Exactly 10 years ago we took our school to baseball playoffs for the first time in over a decade, swine flu was an actual threat that closed schools and postponed seasons for several weeks, most of us thought we knew what we wanted to be when we grew up, and “Boom Boom Pow” by The Blacked Eyed Peas was number 1 on the billboard top 100. Swine flu… remember that scare? It happened a decade ago. Don’t try to tell me that doesn’t make you feel old.

So we got together this weekend to play golf, drink beer, play dominoes, and have a little BBQ while we caught up on college, jobs, and life. I don’t have any family left in our hometown, since my parents moved, so I don’t really ever go back. I’m also notoriously bad about keeping in touch with people, which is no one’s fault but my own.

I found out some of the guys have kids, some are expecting more kids, some have good jobs that require travel, and some are getting ready to propose to their girlfriends. The weird thing is in my memory, those days of baseball and football games don’t seem so far off. They don’t quite seem like they were yesterday, but they also don’t seem long enough ago that we should all be grown.

I don’t know what the point of this post was really. It was good seeing the guys, but don’t do like I did. Don’t lose touch of the people that matter, don’t take a second for granted, don’t blink, or one day you’ll look up 10 years down the road wondering how it went by so fast.

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