Wander with Purpose

by | Apr 9, 2019 | Inspiration

After a two month break full of major life events, good times, and tons of memories, a new post is a long way overdue.

One day you’re working on your blog, the next you’re celebrating one of your best friend’s weddings, and soon after you and your wife are buying your first home. Sometimes you catch yourself having a moment of self awareness during one of the events and you have a little chuckle about where you’ve been and how you got here.

Maybe a random fellow outdoors blogger reached out to you on instagram one day in the fall. Or maybe one of your wife’s best friends has a new boyfriend, who fits in like he’s been there all along. Next thing you know, you’re out at the ranch with the founder and editor of www.txsunriseoutdoors.com enjoying great weather, cold beer, and new friends while attempting to turkey hunt in the spring.

No matter what’s going on in life, I encourage you to take a step back and appreciate the journey, even if it seems like you’ve just been wandering along.

Wander with purpose. When life presents a new opportunity, run with it. Make new friends. Celebrate the good times and big accomplishments with old friends. Be thankful for the tough times and how they help you grow.

Wander with purpose. Even if that purpose is to enjoy yourself along the way. It doesn’t take a major goal like getting married or buying a house to have purpose. Keep it simple and enjoy the journey. Maybe even wander literally, if transient living is your thing.

No matter your choice, wandering isn’t about being aimless or lost. Wandering is about the journey, the experience, and the things you carry with you along the way.

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