Fish Louisiana Pt. 2

by | Jan 16, 2019 | Fish

It’s time to tie up the loose end I created with the first Fish Louisiana story, by writing about our second day on the mouth of the Mississippi doing some sport fishing.

Fishing for bull reds (Red Drum – no, that’s not a Shining reference) is a different animal altogether. They don’t mess around when they decided to take your bait and hit it at full speed. There’s no keeping with these fish either, because they’re no good to eat, so it’s all catch, fight, and release.

I was honestly a little nervous, before I hooked my first one for the day, because I was already a little wobbly out there on the water and didn’t want to get pulled in. Once I hooked that first fish, I figured out I wouldn’t be taking any accidental swims and settled in on the water. We had a blast.

At one point we had three fished hooked up at the same time and managed to pull them all into the boat within a few seconds of each other. Once again, huge thanks to Chris at CW Guide Service for the awesome trip!

Keep scrolling to see some of the photos from this bucket list trip!

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