Hunters Extravaganza

by | Aug 22, 2018 | Fish, Hunt, Outdoors

Made it out to the Freeman Expo Hall on Sunday to attend Texas Trophy Hunter Association’sgrandaddy of all hunting shows” for the first time. It was one heck of a production, even on day three of the event. But I’m going to keep this post short,so I’ve got just a few thoughts about HX.

How many roto molded Yeti copy cats are there? We must have seen half a dozen cooler brands that I’ve never heard of who are clearly trying to compete with Yeti at a way better price point.

Maybe I just didn’t notice them, but I didn’t see many cooking/grilling/bbq related vendors on display. Seems like someone could make a move here and really capture some business.

There sure were a lot of Damascus steel knives on display. Pretty much every other booth was a knife vendor of sometime with tons of Damascus and a surprisingly large amount of switch blades.

A Surprising aspects of the show, at least in my opinion, was the number of “clothing” vendors. I’m using clothing loosely, because very few of them actually had hunting quality gear. The rest were just selling T-Shirts with cheap looking logos and irrelevant graphics.

One of the few legit clothing vendors we found was Duck Camp. They’ve got some pretty cool stuff, which will definitely be on the list of gifts to get relatives for Christmas (probably also on my wish list). Check out there gear and give them a follow on instagram for some pretty cool content.

Overall HX was an awesome show. I’m ashamed it took me this long to finally make it to one, but I’ll definitely be going back. Who knows maybe Westbound Soul will be spotted there one of these days.

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