Uncle Lucius + PBR

by | Aug 18, 2018 | Music

You’re not hallucinating. That does indeed say PBR. I actually felt a little embarrassed carrying it from the beer aisle to the checkout, as fast as I possibly-freaking-could, but luckily I shaved this morning so I probably looked like a 5th year senior frat-boy getting ready for a slow Friday.

Now let me explain myself. The other day one of my buddy’s texted our group message requesting that Westbound Soul do a write up on Uncle Lucius. First song that came to mind was the 2012 hit “Keep the Wolves Away”, so I responded about how that could make a cool throwback Thursday piece. Well I guess “throwback” cued someone else to think of PBR, so a stipulation was added that I should choose Pabst Blue Ribbon as my beverage while writing. I was opposed. But the other guys in the group attacked like a pack of pissed off honey badgers. Eventually I gave in and here we are.

Let’s talk about PBR for a second. One of my dad’s favorite sayings about PBR, which came from his favorite honky-tonker Dale Watson, is that “it’s the poor man’s Lone Star”. I happen to think that’s an insult to Lone Star but, hey, the cans are cold right now and I’m stuck with it. Before I ever even knew this beer existed, I saw the video below and had my expectations set in a real strange place.

“It’s not like smooth. It’s not drinkable” just about sums it up. BUT I accepted this responsibility and I’m only two beers in. I’ve got a few to go.

Now let’s get down to some tunes. Uncle Lucius has been around for a while. They’ve got 4 or 5 albums out but no song is nearly as recognizable as the aforementioned “Keep the Wolves Away”. I have to admit that, outside of that particular track, I’m not super familiar with their stuff. My bromigo that requested this write up also didn’t specify an album or anything so we’re going with the 2012 album “and you are me”.

These dudes are very southern rock, even more so than the newer Whiskey Myers stuff (can’t we just go back to Road of Life, please guys). In a lot of ways they sound like they were born into the wrong era, as I notice a lot of similarities and guitar licks that remind me of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

If I’m being Honest, which I tend to do after a few brews. “Keep the Wolves Away” is their best tune and it’s not even close. It’s a song about survival, strength, and perseverance. About being a sheep dog and protecting the ones who can’t protect themselves. About pointing your shoulder into the wind and pressing forward in spite of the cold.

Fellas, ladies, be sheep dogs. Keep those wolves away anytime they show their faces. Also, don’t get suckered into drinking a bunch of PBR’s.

Several beers later…

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