Music to make it to the weekend

by | Jun 29, 2018 | Music

Friday always seems like the longest day of the week. Even though it’s the one most looked forward to. I put together a playlist to help my day go by a little quicker and figured I’d share. This bitty is called “Friday Furlong” because it’s the last little stretch into the weekend.

This Friday is moving particularly slow since I’m looking ahead to having a few buddies over this weekend. The wife is out of town for a girl’s weekend getaway type thing, so us guys are going to have a good old fashioned drink-a-thon. We might float the Guadalupe, might play some golf, might fire up the grill. It’s going to be a good time.

I’ve got the playlist broken out below with a little explanation for why each track made the list, as well as a link to each artists’ website. This is right below the embedded web player from Amazon Music with the playlist in it. Each track is just a preview but it’s helpful if you want to check out any of the songs or artists you aren’t familiar with.

When I woke up Today – Wade Bowen || Too much similarity between my life and this song, especially tomorrow when the opening lines about a little hangover will be very real. “Dealing with the pain of trying to make a dream fly” is what I’m doing everyday and it hurts so good.

Dark – Ryan Beaver || This one is all about the imagery for me. It’s a well written tune with some ominous instrumentals that paints a stormy picture. Honestly I always think of a scene from the cartoon Doug when I hear the part about power lines.

Universal Sound – Tyler Childers || Find a little piece of mind, some simplistic quietness in your soul. Don’t get so caught up in the worry and wondering. That’s what universal sound is all about and it’s got enough of an upbeat rhythm.

Flame and Gasoline – Adam Hood || I’m a big time Adam Hood fan and this song is for ANYONE who’s got an ex or an old fling who they hate to love. Can’t be together emotionally because you can’t get along and can’t be around each other because bad things are bound to happen.

Next Big Thing – William Clark Green || Just a good old fashioned drinking song about the world being tough but keeping your head down and being tougher.

Til I Do It Again – Will Hoge || Theme for this – hell pretty much any – weekend with the guys. “Saturday night spilled into sunday again… that’s the last time I do it ’til I do it again”.

Snake Farm – Ray Wylie Hubbard || It just sounds nasty. Pretty much is.

July – Dalton Domino || A lot of bass drum, a little heartache, and a little electric guitar make this one another high energy jam for getting through the weekday.

Dry County Drive – Mike Ryan || Have you ever stayed in a dry county? I have, in Northwest Arkansas. And I would have swam across the Arkansas river in a suit of armor if there was Lone Star on the other side.

Runnin’ Buddy – Max Stalling || A song about best friends, girls, dancing, and beers. A little swing beat and some steel guitar makes this a toe tapper full of references that anyone from the Texas Hill Country would understand.

Big Blue Sea – Bob Schneider || Bob Schneider aka Mr. Cool has been putting out awesome tracks like this for like 20 years or something crazy. This track’s got a cool beat and a little bit of the Dispatch-like lyricism that sounds almost like rap. It’s the classic Bob Schneider kind of different you’d expect if you’ve listened to his stuff.

Sing this Town to Sleep – Drew Kennedy || One of the more upbeat tracks on Kennedy’s latest album. I think sing “singing” is a big metaphor for something else, but maybe that’s the former English major in me over analyzing this.

Weatherbeaten Soul – Reckless Kelly || Reckless Kelly is one of my all time favorite bands and this track is in my top 5 favorite songs by them. They’ve got so many awesome tunes that it’s tough to limit the list to 5 so this one making the list is saying something. They do sound a lot like Chris Wall on that song.


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