What I’ve learned…

by | May 15, 2018 | Inspiration

Blogging is fun, but it’s a challenge. Sometimes inspiration for content doesn’t come around. Sometimes it comes around when you’re busy and don’t have time to write it down. Other times inspiration hits you and it seems like a good idea until you see the words on the screen. In spite of all that, the main thing is just to keep pumping out content.

Write. Every. Damn. Day.

I’ve also learned that Instagram is a damn good place to get some recognition and connect with others interested in similar subjects or styles. Just like blogging, instagram success appears to come from being actively engaged, not only by creating and publishing content but also by interacting with other people, similar groups, or influencers. BUT instagram does have a negative side. There is a large number of people who do this weird thing where the follow you, like a photo or two, and then unfollow you. I guess the idea is that, by appearing interested in you, they are able to gain followers quickly while keeping their “following” count low. I really don’t get it.

A) Seems like it takes a lot of work.

B) I’m in it for genuine engagement and interaction. I’m telling real stories, sharing real experiences, and giving real opinions and hope to come across others doing the same.

C) I just unfollow those accounts anyway. If you’re here to interact, well come on then. If you’re just looking to bolster numbers, go on and look elsewhere.

“Success” doesn’t happen over night. But it all depends on how you define success. For me this is a cool hobby, where I can a chance to speak openly about topics that I care about. I’m doing that so far and I think it’s going pretty well. So that’s a little success in my eyes.

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