Golf for a Good Cause

by | Apr 11, 2018 | Inspiration

April is the cruellest busiest month.

At least it sure seems that way. Every weekend is packed full of stuff to do, but we wouldn’t have it different.

So this weekend my brother, a few of my buddies, and a couple of guys that I work with have put two teams together to play in the Consolata Healthcare Foundation’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament.  This tournament acts of a fundraiser for Connally Memorial Medical Center and its affiliates, which are a part of the hospital and healthcare offerings in Floresville, TX. So the money from entry fees and hole sponsorship are all going to a great cause, which my grandfather spent many years helping to raise money for.

Naturally, as guys will do, we’ve spent most of the week so far exchanging trash talk over text messages about who will win, who’s going to hit the hole-in-one, and what fate awaits the losers. Fingers crossed for good weather and low winds, but I hear the course is pretty much wide open and fairly forgiving when you shank one.

After we finish tournament play and collect our prizes, several of us are headed out to the ranch to spend the afternoon. We’ll have our ice chests full and our shotguns loaded for some more friendly competition in the form of clay targets. Most of our group doesn’t get to do as much bird hunting as we’d like but it’ll still be fun to shake the rust off for a bit.  Maybe we’ll even shoot pretty well.

Image courtesy of Bolner’s Meat Company (

Supper is always a little rodeo of its own when we’re out at the ranch. Taking advantage of the large fire or BBQ pit is a must and we always try to do it right, cooking our entire meal over the open flames when possible. Our Saturday night menu is a classic – beef fajitas from Bolner’s Meat Company (best in Texas), fresh pico de gallo, fresh guacamole, shredded cheese, pinto beans done in cast iron over the fire, and homemade Spanish rice. I’d love to tell you I’m going to take the time to make homemade tortillas using my great aunt’s recipe, but HEB’s “homemade” tortillas are pretty good and will have to do when heated over the fire as well. It’s going to be a helluva weekend.

I can’t wait to be back out at the ranch, or to play some golf with the guys. The fact that our golf is going to a good cause is the icing on the cake and we’re fortunate to be in a position to give back to the San Antonio area communities like this. Pictures and more details about a weekend on the ranch with the guys to follow!

Questions or comments about the golf tournament, the weekend ahead, or recipe details? We’d love to hear from you! Social media will get you a damn-near immediate response, so contact us on twitter or instagram @westboundsoul or leave a comment below.

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