What is Westbound Soul?

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Inspiration

The idea is simple: help people connect with the western lifestyle that I’m lucky to enjoy in this modern age.

My wife and I are each blessed to come from families rich with ranching, farming, and hunting histories and these things are now second nature to us. A lot of people, including ourselves, on either side of our family still enjoy and even make a living off of some of these practices today. Even though we live in the great city of San Antonio, TX, we are close enough to our families and ranches that we are still able to be involved almost daily.

Some of my favorite memories and best times I’ve had come from years I’ve spent learning how to work and appreciate the land on our family’s ranch. I realize that most people don’t have those types of opportunities or, if they do, those opportunities are too few and far between. So I figure I can share my experiences, know-how, and opinions to help give people a little taste of what it means to have a Westbound Soul.

Westbound Soula person with a yearning to be outside, in the country, surrounded by nature’s beauty, working with their hands, sitting by a fire, working cattle with their grandfather, drinking a cold one under a clear sky’s stars, keeping their hands warm with a steaming cup of coffee as the sunrises. A person who makes their living in the city, but who feels most at home ten miles west of nowhere where the only traffic you see is on four legs and the only sirens you hear are the birds. You get the idea. 

You probably noticed that the definition above isn’t limited to people who are already lucky enough to live this kind of lifestyle daily. Instead it could be the lady who sits near you at the corporate office, the guy you pass in the deli aisle at HEB, or that person stuck in traffic in the car next to you. Everyone’s got a little Westbound Soul in them somewhere, they just don’t all have the chance to set it free.

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